Accessing Your Database in Managed WordPress Portal

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Category: Managed WordPress | Tags: WordPress
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Note: The instructions in this tutorial are for the Managed WordPress Portal client, these instructions do not apply if you have a Liquid Web Managed WordPress Server Optimized Template account.

One important facet of WordPress development is the ability to reach the back-end databases and interact with them. Managed WordPress Portal gives you access to your databases using PhpMyAdmin. Once you log in you will have access to view, edit and delete database items.

  1. Log into your Managed WordPress dashboard.Managed WordPress dashboard
  2. Click Manage Site for the domain to open the site details. Manage Site
  3. Open PhpMyAdmin by clicking the link in the top section of the page. Open PhpMyAdmin
  4. You will be redirected to the home page for PhpMyAdmin.PhpMyAdmin screen
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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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