How to Set Up a Domain to use Liquid Web’s Name Servers

Posted on by J. Mays
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Using Liquid Web’s name servers to manage DNS for your domains has never been easier. You can quickly add your domain to our nameservers using your account.

Adding The Domain

Once you are logged into, click on Domains in the left-hand column.

Using Liquid Webs Name Servers (DNS)

Right in the middle of the page you will find the Create A DNS Zone section. In the Domain Name field, enter the domain name you are setting up DNS for. Just to the right of that, select an IP from your server or servers from the dropdown menu. This IP address will be used for all records in the domain’s zone file.

Register a new domain from

If you do not own the registration for this domain, and it is available to be registered, you can check the box to register the domain for one year. Most domain registrations can be completed for $15/ year.

Once everything looks correct, click the Create DNS Zone button.

Zone File Edits

current dns zones

Find your desired domain and click on the + next to the domain name. This will allow you to edit DNS records for the selected domain. It’s important to note that “delegated” means that or (including ns1 for both; Liquid Web owns and operates both name servers) is controlling the selected site’s DNS settings. If a site is not delegated, the changes that you make will not have any effect on users around the world.

dns records

The red space is where the site’s IP address should be located. On your screen, you would have numbers there in the form of a standard IP address, such as If you need to update that IP, you can click on the Edit or Delete buttons. If you need to add an entirely new record, simply click on the Add New Record button instead.

Please know that this is intended as a basic overview of how to manage DNS settings from the interface and is not intended for use as an exhaustive guide.

Changes to DNS settings may take up to 48 hours to propagate – to be “seen” – around the world. Liquid Web does not have any control over how quickly remote networks update their records. To minimize perceived downtime, please consider updating your DNS records overnight or across a weekend.

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About the Author: J. Mays

As a previous contributor, JMays shares his insight with our Knowledge Base center. In our Knowledge Base, you'll be able to find how-to articles on Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and much more!

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