Adding Multiple Mailboxes in PBE and Hosted Exchange

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Just like adding a single mailbox, adding multiple mailboxes at once is nearly an identical process for both Premium Business Email and Hosted Exchange. Adding Multiple mailboxes comes in handy for migrating your email to Liquid Web Premium Business Email or Hosted Exchange. With just a simple spreadsheet, you can create all the mailboxes you need for your organization. Let’s take a look at how!

Click on the product you have below to see the directions:

Premium Business Email

Hosted Exchange


If you are using these instructions for migration purposes, all mailboxes must be created prior to migrating email into Liquid Web’s email products. This should be the first step you take in your migration process. For more information, see our article Using the Self-Migration Tool for Premium Business Email and Hosted Exchange.

Pre-Flight Check

Before you start your upload, you will want to format an Excel spreadsheet or CSV so that you avoid any issues with the format example

In the example provided above, the username, password and enabled/disabled columns are required to be completed in your file. Additional information such as the first and last name, alternate email, organization, contact information are optional and can be completed at a later date by the user.

Premium Business Email

  1. Once you’ve created the file you are going to upload, navigate to the Email Accounts tab in your control panel.
    email accounts tab
  2. Click the Add/Edit Multiple Mailboxes button.
    add multiple mailboxes button highlighted
  3. To upload your file, click the Browse… button and select the file from your computer. Selecting the checkbox to overwrite existing mailbox details will allow you to import changes made to mailboxes already created.
    browse button highlighted
  4. Click the Import button to begin importing the file.
    import button highlighted
  5. You will be redirected to a status page for the upload. You do not have to stay on this page while the file loads.Mailboxes provisioning


    Depending on the number of mailboxes being created and user data entered for them, it can take a few moments or a few hours for the mailboxes to create.
  6. When your upload has completed, you will be directed back to the Mailboxes page and you will see the new mailboxes in the user list.


    If you have blank rows in your CSV or Excel spreadsheet, an error will occur after upload. The system will tell you certain mailboxes could not be created. This is only for the blank rows, the rows you have populated with information will show in your Mailboxes list.error for blank fields in csv

Hosted Exchange

  1. Once you’ve created the file you are going to upload, navigate to the Email Accounts tab in your control panel.
  2. Click the Add/Edit Multiple Mailboxes button.
    add multiple mailboxes button highlighted
  3. To upload your file, click the Browse… button and select the file from your computer. Click the Import button to begin importing the file.
    gif showing browse and import buttons highlighted
  4. You will be redirected to a status page for the upload. You do not have to stay on this page while the file loads.status page for the upload


    Depending on the number of mailboxes being created and user data entered for them, it can take a few moments or a few hours for the mailboxes to create.
  5. When your upload has completed, the newly created mailboxes will show on the Mailboxes home page.pbe main mailbox


    If you have blank rows in your CSV or Excel spreadsheet, an error will occur after upload. The system will tell you certain mailboxes could not be created. This is only for the blank rows, the rows you have populated with information will show in your Mailboxes list.error for blank fields in csv
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About the Author: Libby White

Former technical writer for Liquid Web. When Libby is not writing for work, she spends time learning more about digital & technical writing, web development, hanging with her family, and taking photographs with her Nikon. Always learning, always growing, never stopping.

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