Author: dpepper

Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to create a subdomain.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--02
  3. Click the “Subdomains” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--03
  4. Enter the prefix of your new subdomain.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--04
  5. Make sure the domain name your subdomain will be associated with is selected. A directory name the same as your subdomain prefix will automatically appear… although you can change this if you want.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--05
  6. Click the “Create” button.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--06
  7. That’s it! A new subdomain has been created.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--07
  8. A new folder called “clients” has also been created, which is where you would upload files for this subdomain.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--08


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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to create an addon domain.cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--02
  3. Click the “Addon Domains” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--03
  4. This is the addon domains page, where you can setup additional domain names that point to subdomains of your account.cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--04
  5. Enter the new domain name …cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--05
  6. Then enter a username.cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--06
  7. Enter and confirm a password, then click “Add Domain”.cpanel-paperlantern-22-addon--07
  8. That’s it! The addon domain has been created.


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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-23-alias--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to create a domain alias.cpanel-paperlantern-23-alias--02
  3. Click the “Aliases” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-23-alias--03
  4. A domain alias is useful when you have additional domain names that you want people to be able to use to get to your website.cpanel-paperlantern-23-alias--04
  5. Enter the new domain, then click “Add Domain”.cpanel-paperlantern-23-alias--05
  6. That’s it! Now when someone browses to, they’ll automatically be redirected to
  7. Be sure to set your domain alias’s DNS settings to the same as your main domain, so the redirection will work properly.


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Reading Time: 3 minutes
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to use the Index Manager.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--02
  3. Click the “Indexes” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--03
  4. The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your website are displayed.
    If there is no index.html file in a given directory, the contents of that directory will be listed in a browser. This can cause security issues. With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--04
  5. Let’s setup Index Manager for the client’s directory.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--05
  6. There are four settings to choose from.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--08
  7. The “Default System Setting” allows the directory contents to be shown. “No Indexing” does not allow directory contents to be shown. “Standard Indexing” prevents browsers from viewing contents of directories that do not contain image files. “Fancy Indexing” displays file names and information, such as file size and the last-modified date.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--09
  8. Since we do not want the contents of this directory shown, we’ll choose the “No Indexing” option.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--10
  9. That’s it! The index settings have been updated, and visitors can no longer view the contents of the clients directory.cpanel-paperlantern-26-index--13


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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to create custom error pages.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--02
  3. Click the “Error Pages” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--03
  4. There are several different error pages you can customize. Let’s customize the “404 error page”.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--04
  5. This is where you create your custom error page… and you can include one or more tags to further customize the page.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--05
  6. When finished, click “Save”.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--06
  7. That’s it! The custom 404 error page has been created.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--07
  8. You can customize the other error pages as well … but you don’t have to … all accounts come preset with standard error pages.


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How To Log In To cPanel

Posted on by dpepper
Reading Time: 2 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already opened your browser and entered your cPanel login URL.image01
  2. Now log in to cPanel using the username and password provided to you.image02
  3. That’s it! You’re now logged in to cPanel, and can begin to setup email accounts, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and dozens of other features.image03
  4. To logout of cPanel, click the logout icon in the upper right corner.image04
  5. This is the end of the tutorial. Be sure to check out the other cPanel tutorials to learn all the great features available to you.image05


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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.image01
  2. Now let’s create a new email account.image02
  3. Click the Email Accounts icon.image03
  4. Enter the email address you want to create, and assign it a password.image04
  5. Set a mailbox quota for the account if you wish.image05
  6. Then click “Create Account”.image06
  7. That’s it! The new email account has been successfully created.image07
  8. From the Email Accounts screen you can access webmail for the account, change its password, change the quota, or even delete the account.image08


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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

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