Automatically Apply Coupons in Cart on WooCommerce

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Providing great deals is a wonderful way to entice first time and returning customers. Imagine if you’ve created a coupon for a product on your store that you want everyone to use. Sure you can add a site banner to inform the customers of the coupon, what if they forget to enter the code, though? There may be another way, what if you can have the coupon automatically apply at Checkout if conditions are met.

Using the WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features this is totally possible! Let’s see how it’s done.

How can I set a coupon to automatically apply to the cart for my customers?

Applying coupons to the cart automatically simplifies the checkout process even further, making purchasing with a coupon as easy as possible for your buyers. First, install the WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features plugin on your shop. Once the plugin is installed and activated on your site you can continue.

To start using this plugin, go to WooCommerce > Coupons. Under Coupon data > Miscellaneous choose ‘Auto coupon‘ as shown in the example and check the Auto coupon box.

Auto coupon settingsAnd that’s about it! More or less, the coupon system and configuration works the same as before – now you have the option to auto apply your coupons though.

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About the Author: Dan Pock

Dan Pock does technical support at Liquid Web with a background in System Administration, Public Relations, and Customer Service. His favorite things include his cats, Oscar Boots, and Dash Nougat; experimenting with PHP; and making up recipes (or at least attempting to). You can find his coding hijinks on GitHub, where he shares most of his projects and open source work.

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