Category: Featured Articles

The Featured Articles category outlines information regarding the top knowledgebase articles which showcase the most requested information our clients are looking for.

What is SSH?

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

SSH, or secure shell, is a network protocol used for secure network communications and remote command execution. Common use cases for SSH include: controlling computers remotely and securing network services. A great example of securing other services is the SFTP protocol which uses SSH to securely connect to a server and FTP to transfer the files.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Often we hear a lot of customers asking why, when their server is largely idle, much of their RAM appears to be in use.

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From Storm to Cloud: Where did the Storm platform go?

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

With the rollout of our new logo, new website, and general brand refresh we made some big changes. The most noticeable being our new logo and the websites fresh new look. We took this opportunity to update some of our product branding as well.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

There was once a time on the Internet where there were many valid reasons to avoid using an SSL all the time. For example, using an SSL sometimes meant your website isn’t indexed as thoroughly. Or maybe certain types of caching were broke.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

There’s no doubt that PHP 7 is a lot faster and more efficient than PHP 5.x versions. The reason it’s provides better performance is because PHP 7.x underwent massive internal changes. With such massive changes something has to be too good to be true, right? No not really, but there is something you should know before updating to PHP 7.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The key to running a successful blog or website is having great content and making it easy for your users to find what they need. Part of providing great blog content usually involves using images and graphics to enhance your articles, posts and pages. Doing so will provide your readers with visual context and can help break up large blocks of text. Using lots of visual elements and images isn’t without its trade-off though.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this Knowledge Base article, we feature a video provided by Chris Lema to introduce the Managed WordPress Visual Comparison feature. If you run a WordPress, you understand the potential headaches you may face when updating your plugins and themes. Do you choose to update on the fly and risk taking down your site; or do you set up a staging, keep it in sync with your live site and use that to test updates?

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Best Web Development Tools of 2017: Editors/IDEs and Package Management

The worlds of web hosting and web development are in a constant state of evolution. Every year we see design trends change, coding standards adapt and new frameworks/CMS created. With such a quick pace of change it’s easy to get lost trying to keep up.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lately there’s been a lot of speculation about Googles up-coming changes to how sites without an SSL are going to be treated. As January draws towards a close we have seen an increase in customers with concerns of how this will affect their site. Both in terms of people being able to see it and how it might affect their search ranking.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

httpVShttpsWhat is an SSL?

An SSL (or Secure Socket Layer) is the standard method for creating an encrypted link between a web browser and a web server. This secure link ensures that data passed between the browser and the web server are private.

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