Category: Other

The Other category displays the articles and tutorials which don’t quite fit into our other various categories. This may include information about proprietary platforms, tools or the Liquid Web control panels

What is a Canonical tag?

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Category: Other | Tags: seo, WebDev
Reading Time: 3 minutes

WordPress Settings

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Value Added Tax (VAT) Information & FAQ

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Category: Other
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Value Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST)

If you reside in a country that charges a value-added tax on services provided, Liquid Web will require a VAT Number that states that you are tax exempt. Without this exemption in place, it is our duty to comply with tax codes around the world. Customers that sell “Business to Business” should be tax exempt, providing your VAT number will ensure that you are not charged additional tax.

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Kickass VPS Acquisition FAQ

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Other
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As of August 2017, Liquid Web has acquired If you are a current or prospective customer of KickAss VPS, please reference the FAQs below or contact us via Live Chat, email, or phone.

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From Storm to Cloud: Where did the Storm platform go?

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Category: Other
Reading Time: < 1 minute

With the rollout of our new logo, new website, and general brand refresh we made some big changes. The most noticeable being our new logo and the websites fresh new look. We took this opportunity to update some of our product branding as well.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Best Web Development Tools of 2017: Editors/IDEs and Package Management

The worlds of web hosting and web development are in a constant state of evolution. Every year we see design trends change, coding standards adapt and new frameworks/CMS created. With such a quick pace of change it’s easy to get lost trying to keep up.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lately there’s been a lot of speculation about Googles up-coming changes to how sites without an SSL are going to be treated. As January draws towards a close we have seen an increase in customers with concerns of how this will affect their site. Both in terms of people being able to see it and how it might affect their search ranking.

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Cloud Sites – Powered by Liquid Web

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Other
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Welcome Cloud Sites customers. The following is to help answer questions you may have as you prepare to utilize your Cloud Sites account with Liquid Web. For more information beyond the questions below, feel free to reference this note from Jim Geiger, CEO of Liquid Web.

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What Is a web.config File?

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Other | Tags: Windows
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If your server uses IIS, you can use web.config files to control your website’s configuration without editing your server configuration files. You can even apply different settings to different directories within your website.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tux the Penguin with Hotpatching (KernelCare)The concept of ‘Kernel hotpatching’, sometimes called live patching, was introduced to the Linux community around 2008. Soon after groups began developing differing implementations of the concept. KernelCare, one of the more popular implementations, was originally released in March 2014 by Cloud Linux, Inc.

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What’s New in WHM 58

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Other | Tags: cPanel, WHM
Reading Time: 4 minutes

In WHM & cPanel 58 updates, several rather large changes have been made to improve upon user experience and to expand available features. As cPanel works to continually expand and improve their offerings, we like to do our best to keep everyone informed and updated. Here are some highlights and items to look out for as the 58 update moves to release tier.

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