Category: Technical Support

Reading Time: 3 minutes


The purpose of this article is to describe and explore ways to copy or backup your currently existing installed software titles into a single file for later use. We can then use this file to reinstall the software onto another system or clone the existing software across multiple Linux systems on or across a network. This method also prevents the need to install software titles one by one.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

WHMCS has discovered a problem in an earlier EA4 Curl Package introduced on CentOS servers.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In the third part of our series, we will be using the Vue.js framework to create a simple project to demonstrate how easily this can be accomplished. 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes


In our last tutorial, we learned how to install Vue JS 2 CLI and set up a simple application.  Due to the release of the new Vue JS 3 CLI, we decided to create a new tutorial that will highlight some of the updated features which are exceptional in regard to this advanced development framework. 

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

In this article, we discuss how to clone a git repo on CentOS. We also learn the differences between Git and GitHub, what version control means, what a repo is and how to clone a repository.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

A new vulnerability in PHP-FPM has been noted which could lead to remote code execution on nginx. An earlier message on Twitter exposed the CVE-2019-11043 bug:

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In this article, we are going to cover the available options for installing software on a Dedicated Ubuntu server. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with an arsenal of tools for installing the exact software you want on your Ubuntu server! We will be installing three different software packages from source, deb, and flatpack.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this article, we will be reviewing the Apache Service Status. Sometimes checking the performance of a Cloud Dedicated server can be difficult. Apache has built-in utilities that assist in monitoring the usage and performance of Apache. Apache Status also provides information that aids in performance auditing and control tuning.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this next series of articles, we will be doing a side by side comparison of the main features of both InterWorx/SiteWorx vs. cPanel/WHM. We offer this information to assist our clients in choosing the right product to fit their needs. Let’s dive right in…

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Installing Tomcat 9 on Windows

Posted on by Alison Gray | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes
apache tomcat image
Apache Tomcat

What is Tomcat?

Apache Tomcat installs several Java Enterprise Edition specs including Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java EL, and WebSocket. It provides for a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run.

Tomcat 9 is the latest version of Apache’s Tomcat service and can easily be installed on Windows to serve as a convenient way to run Java.

There are many features and tools that Tomcat 9 has to offer that can make the deployment of web pages more manageable, including the use of JavaServer Pages.

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