Category: Technical Support

Verify the Kernel Version on Linux Servers

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article and related video, we will be discussing how to check the kernel version in both Ubuntu and CentOS Linux. The following command works with all Linux distributions, such as Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. It also works on other UNIX-like operating systems such as HPUX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, etc. Use the following command to check which Linux kernel version your server is currently running.

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Reading Time: 9 minutes

What is Puppet?

In this tutorial, we will install Puppet on a Ubuntu 18.04 server. Puppet is an open core, server based, task management type of automation software that is primarily used to limit your interactions for many of the mundane, day to day server tasks that used to require personal intervention. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is cPanel? 

cPanel is a server control panel which allows users the ability to access and automate our Cloud Dedicated, VPS, and  Dedicated server tasks and, provides the tools needed to manage the overall server, their applications, and websites.  CPanel_logoSome features include the capability to modify php versions, creating individual cPanel accounts, adding FTP users, installing SSL’s, configuring security settings, and installing packages to name a few. cPanel and WHM have a vast range of customizations and configurations that can be completed to further personalize your platform specifically for your needs.  It also includes 24/7 support from cPanel as well.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What Is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open source automation server software developed in Java. It allows developers to integrate CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) pipelines within their organization that ease and automate workflows. It has an extensive help community, supports over 1000 plugins, allows users the ability to automate almost any task and, it saves significant time that can be better utilized addressing other issues.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes


Functionality for Python web applications can lead to increased profitability as a result of a broader offering of technologies to any current or future customers.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Today, we will be reviewing how to configure Apache virtual hosts on a CentOS 7 VPS server or Dedicated server. If you host websites, chances are you are hosting more than one. If so, knowing how and why these virtual hosts work should allow you to better understand why they are needed. By default, Apache can host only one document root for all requests, which likely isn’t what you want to happen.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Securing Your Site

In this tutorial, we will be outlining a handy way of getting HTTPS enabled on all of your domains by using SSL’s to provide the first step in that process.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a Firewall?

Broadly speaking, a firewall is part of a network or server that is designed to restrict potentially malicious and unauthorized access to the hardware while still allowing outward communication from the network or server. 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Let the Battle Begin!

Today we will be reviewing the major differences between CentOS and Ubuntu in a web hosting environment. Although this is not a fully comprehensive analysis of every single aspect of the numerous in-depth features of each operating system, it should provide a solid overview which will allow you to choose which system is best suited for your needs. Without further ado, let’s jump right in…

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