Category: Technical Support

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Using a VPN connection to manage your server can have a handful of benefits. Generally the most important benefit to using a VPN is security. When you connect to the Storm VPN your internet traffic to the Liquid Web network will be encrypted.

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How to: Using killall to Stop Processes with Command Line

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sometimes you may find your server in a state of high load caused by out control of processes. First you’ll want to use a command like htop, top, or ps, to get an idea on the server’s current state. If you aren’t familiar with those utilities we’d suggest checking our our article on htop.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This article is a follow up to a previous article on the process of backing up a WordPress database with wp-cli. You may want to read that article before this one.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Featured Freeware highlights some of the Liquid Web staff’s favorite free software. This can range from useful command line tools, open-source packages useful in web-development, or even multi-platform applications. This week we are covering a treasured favorite, htop.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article you will learn how to backup your WordPress database using the wp-cli tool. Knowing how to backup your database is a critical skill to have when running a WordPress site. All your posts, pages, and more live in your database; keeping backups is critical.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This tutorial will show you how to manage your suspended accounts page in WHM. This page is the one shown to a visitor when attempting to access a domain of a suspended account. The default page used for this is fairly generic and for some this may not be ideal. By customizing this page you can create a more personal experience for your suspended cPanel accounts.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article we will cover the process of upgrading and downgrading a cPanel account in WHM. This can be an important feature when you need varying predefined resource limits for your accounts. When reselling hosting this is especially useful as it can be common for clients to need their resource quotas adjusted as their business and site grows in popularity.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this article we will cover the basics of using the Multi-Account functions in WHM to adjust various settings or configurations for cPanel accounts. We will go over how multi-account functions can adjust: IP Addresses, Account Packages, and Account Terminations.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This article will show you how to create a default placeholder home page for your cPanel accounts. The ‘skeleton directory’ on linux based systems is a directory where default files and folders can be placed, upon creation of a new account these files will be duplicated into the new users folders.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This article will cover the process of suspending a cPanel account in WHM. There are a number of reasons you may want to temporarily or permanently suspend an account. Examples being: non-payment, bandwidth overages, ToS violations, or hacked websites. The process for suspending and un-suspending accounts is nearly the same, you simply select a different button in the end.

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