Category: Tutorials

The Liquid Web knowledgebase provides information on thousands of topics surrounding every aspect of hosting, Linux, Windows, and countless other article types that help boost your Liquid Web experience!

Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Tmpmail?

Tmpmail is a utility written in bash that allows a user to create and use a temporary email address for receiving emails from the command-line. Underneath the covers, the bash script uses 1secmail’s API to receive the emails. By default, email addresses are created at random unless a specific email address follows the --generate flag.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Bashtop?

Bashtop is a command-line based resource monitor written in bash, which depicts usage and statistics for the CPU processor(s), RAM, hard disks, network sources, and other running processes. It also contains a customizable menu and a fully responsive terminal user interface.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

CentOS Options

With the recent announcement by CentOS 8 regarding the switch from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream, this commonly used Linux distribution is being relegated to a mid-stage development version of RHEL. In essence, CentOS 8 becomes an early rolling-release distro for RHEL. As CentOS moves from being a follow-up distribution to the stable version of RedHat, to be, in effect, a prerelease version of RHEL, many users are looking for alternatives to replace their current operating systems with a long-term stable platform apart from RHEL and IBM who owns RedHat. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

CloudLinux Pricing Increase

Liquid Web was recently informed that the licensing cost for CloudLinux will be increasing at the beginning of the new year and will take effect on January 1st, 2021. All CloudLinux license types (both standalone and those bundled with cPanel) will increase by $2.00 per month with no variance on license type.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Working in a virtualized environment such as our Managed Cloud does indeed give you a significant amount of control over your servers, but you can now take that one step further: we have introduced an exciting new feature that allows you to create your very own Private VPS Parent.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article we will briefly cover the basics of monitoring your server via WHM. By following this process you will learn how to find: service status, resource usage, and Apache stats.

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