Category: Tutorials

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Reading Time: 6 minutes
Slow Website

More and more these days, a high search engine page rank is imperative. The ideal website load time for mobile sites now should be under 3 seconds, and honestly, the faster, the better! The average time it takes to load an entire mobile landing page is approximately 22 seconds, but 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

By default, Plesk typically stores backups on the server. This can, however, present a risk if the hard drive or RAID fails on the server. If this ever occurs, you can possibly lose both data and your backups. To avoid this situation, Liquid Web recommends storing additional backups in a remote storage location.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Django?

Python Django

Django is a Python-based web framework that is used for developing complex, database-driven websites. It also operated under an open-source license indicating it is free to use. Django is ultra-fast and encourages security, and it is exceptionally adaptable, which is the cause of its immense popularity.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

This article will discuss the methods to send information securely over email using GPG/PGP as the main encryption tool. The difference between PGP and GPG is mainly that PGP is a proprietary solution controlled by Symantec, and GPG is the open-source standard that is defined by RFC 4880. Functionally, each format is virtually identical due to GPG being the offspring of the original PGP standard. Because there are numerous email clients, specific GPG settings will vary. For this tutorial, we will use Gmail and Thunderbird as examples. 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Containers are the future of application development and hosting. They enable DevOps, developers, and system administrators to build, test, deploy, and maintain applications quickly, securely, and efficiently. Tools built around the containerization concept provide simple solutions for basic web applications. These advanced granular configuration options provide the control many enterprise applications may need. 

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

While there are many ways to make sure your server is as secure as possible, there are some basic steps that we can take to increase security. Users with a Linux server can change their SSH port to something other than the SSH default port (22). The steps listed below outline how to change SSH port numbers and enable the change.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is SMTP?

Email with arrow

When you send an email, your email client and multiple servers on the internet use the Simple Mail Transport Protocol or SMTP to move that message around the internet and ultimately into the recipient’s mailbox.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Ansible is an open-source tool that uses playbooks to enable configuration management, software provisioning, and application deployment. It is primarily written in Python and was released in 2012. Ever since then, it has saved countless hours of often menial work of deploying and maintaining IT infrastructure. Overall, Ansible is very consistent, secure, reliable, and it requires a minimal learning curve. Simply put, Ansible is a powerful tool for automating apps and infrastructure. You can read more about general Ansible information in our recently published article.

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