Category: Tutorials

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How to Enable Piped Logging in Apache

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Apache by default logs data directly to log files. While this isn't a bad thing, it is not your only option. Both Apache 1.x and Apache 2.x bring with them the option of enabling something called "Piped Logging", though cPanel will only allow you to enable it for version 2.x.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Before we get into the details of Apache tuning, we need to understand what happens when a VPS server or Dedicated server goes unresponsive due to a poorly optimized configuration.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is a MySQL View?

A MySQL view is simply an ordinary database object that can save SQL query writers a lot of time when used correctly. A view is a stored query that a user can reference just like a table. Many times users will find themselves using the same base query over and over to solve multiple problems. Views are a way of quickly saving that query and referencing it later.  

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How to Install Apache on a Windows Server

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

When looking to host websites or services from a Windows server, there are several options to consider. It is worth reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of each server type to determine which one is most likely to meet your particular needs before you spend the time installing and configuring a web service.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Configuration management is the process by which a company or organization defines and tracks the state of its infrastructural resources. Encapsulated in those resources are both physical hardware and software. It is a means to ensure that when changes are made to a system, those changes are tracked, geared toward the ultimate predefined criteria of what state should be.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

NGINX is a web server that is becoming an increasingly popular option for web hosting, as sixteen percent of all sites on the internet are utilizing NGINX. This percentage is constantly increasing as clients require a web server that can serve content faster. It can also be used for proxies, reverse proxies, load balancing, and more depending on what modules you load onto NGINX. One of the significant differences between Apache (a popular webserver) and NGINX is the way each system handles access rules. If you are familiar with using .htaccess rules in Apache, then the method that NGINX uses of including directives in the server's vhost block will be a substantial change.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the nice things about cPanel-based servers is the way that they keep the location of key files in the same place across all the various cPanel versions.  Due to this consistency one always knows where to look for logs files for all services running on a cPanel server.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is SmartCTL?

Every modern hard drive has an option to monitor its current status and health via SMART attributes. SMART stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. The SMART test can be performed on your HDD to detect any potential problems with the hardware itself. Tests such as these are run using SmartCTL. According to the Linux man page, SmartCTL is a command-line utility designed to perform SMART tasks. Examples of these tasks would be printing error logs or enabling and disabling automatic SMART testing. 

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