Category: Tutorials

The Liquid Web knowledgebase provides information on thousands of topics surrounding every aspect of hosting, Linux, Windows, and countless other article types that help boost your Liquid Web experience!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Python is fast becoming one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. Its low entry barrier for new programmers and simple, elegant syntax makes it a fantastic language to start learning. Python is excellent for task automation, and thankfully most Linux distributions come with Python installed right out of the box. This is true of Ubuntu 18.04; however, the Python package distributed with Ubuntu 18.04 is version 3.6.8. This article will cover how to install a newer version of Python, specifically, the latest stable version 3.8.3.

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How to Upgrade PHP on Windows

Posted on by Justin Palmer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Performing an upgrade to PHP on Windows Server

Keeping your software and applications up to date is a crucial part of maintaining security and stability in your web hosting systems. Unfortunately, updating system components and back-end software can sometimes be a frustrating and a difficult process. However, thanks to Microsoft’s Web Platform Installer, upgrading PHP on a Windows server with IIS is as simple as a few clicks.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pyenv is an outstanding tool for managing multiple Python installations. Pyenv-virtualenv is a pyenv plugin that facilitates the creation and management of Python virtual environments with pyenv. This is a compelling proposition, making it possible to manage multiple Python versions with pyenv and provide the means to control the Python environment in a more granular manner.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

The structure of a field inside a database table can be easily modified! There are a number of reasons why a column would need to be altered. For example, if the existing values needed to be modified to updated data, if a restructuring of tables were needed, or even to help with optimization. PhpMyAdmin makes modifying fields in database tables very straightforward to accomplish.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
container port stacked

The arrival of containerized software has drastically changed the landscape of web hosting, and web application provides. The simplification and speed that comes with containers make deploying services like websites so efficient that the traditional model of dedicated servers running specific web-based software is almost obsolete. This being said, there will always be a place for virtual server projects and dedicated servers handling specific tasks like HIPAA compliant hosting services.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is REST?

The REST acronym is defined as a “REpresentational State Transfer” and is designed to take advantage of existing HTTP protocols when used for Web APIs. It is very flexible in that it is not tied to resources or methods and has the ability to handle different calls and data formats. Because REST API is not constrained to an XML format like SOAP, it can return multiple other formats depending on what is needed. If a service adheres to this style, it is considered a “RESTful” application. REST allows components to access and manage functions within another application.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Git is one of the most popular tools used as a distributed version control system (VCS). Git is commonly used for source code management (SCM) and has become more used than old VCS systems like SVN. In this article, we'll show you how to install Git on your Ubuntu 16.04 cloud dedicated server.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rebooting a VPS server in Manage has been made incredibly easy, and only takes a few clicks. Furthermore, multiple servers can be rebooted simultaneously!

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Upgrading your Storm® VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a simple process, and can be done in just a few satisfying clicks. Upgrades and making sure you are properly backing up your VPS are a necessity. Let’s face it, you work hard on your blog, or e-commerce store, and the traffic grows! That is why understanding Cloud VPS and maintaining it are so important. So, once you’ve optimized your WordPress site or Magento store, reward yourself with an easy upgrade process and increase the available resources to your Storm® VPS by following the steps below!

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article will teach you how to create, modify and delete hosting package presets within WHM. While you can configure each option individually when setting up an account on your VPS server or Dedicated server, you may find yourself using the same handful of overall settings for a lot of your sites. By creating hosting packages you able to define preset packages with varying resources, making account creation that much quicker.

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