Category: Tutorials

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Upgrading your Cloud VPS server is a simple process, and can be done in just a few satisfying clicks. Upgrades are a necessity. You work hard on your blog, or eCommerce store, and the traffic grows! Once you've optimized your WordPress site or Magento store, reward yourself with an easy upgrade process and increase the available resources to your Cloud VPS by following the steps below. This process can be followed for Cloud VPS Server or Cloud Dedicated servers.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Gradle?

Gradle is a high-performance open-source build automation tool that makes it possible to build just about any type of software. It is highly configurable and extensible via a well-developed plugin ecosystem. Because build automation is an integral part of the consistent delivery of software projects, Gradle integrates seamlessly with multiple IDE’s, including Android Studio. This tutorial covers the manual installation of Gradle on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Pyenv?

Pyenv is a fantastic tool for installing and managing multiple Python versions. It enables a developer to quickly gain access to newer versions of Python and keeps the system clean and free of unnecessary package bloat. It also offers the ability to quickly switch from one version of Python to another, as well as specify the version of Python a given project uses and can automatically switch to that version. This tutorial covers how to install pyenv on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Apache Maven?

Apache Maven is one of the most popular build management tools for Java projects. It employs a Project Object Model or POM utilizing an XML file to define the structure of a project, including its dependencies, documentation, and build parameters. Instead of having to manage those things individually, Maven consolidates that functionality allowing for a more streamlined and efficient project management process. In this tutorial, we are going to cover how to install Maven on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Chocolatey?

Chocolatey or Choco as it is sometimes referred to, is a free, open-source package manager for Windows that is very similar to Apt or DNF in the Linux realm. In other words, this is a program used for installing software via the Windows command line. It downloads a program, installs it, then it will check for updates, and installs those updates automatically if needed. Those who use Linux are quite familiar with the package management systems like this.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Node.js is a Javascript runtime built with fast deployments in mind. Both the client and server-side of the application are Javascript. It provides an asynchronous approach to serving up content, providing for extremely responsive applications. Node.js is cross-platform and installable on Linux, macOS, and Windows. This tutorial covers the installation of Node.js on a Windows Server.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

INXI is one of the best tools that offer a straightforward and comprehensive method for obtaining a wealth of information about a server with a single command.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Java is a programming language used to build Android apps and real life web applications like Gmail and Google Docs. This ubiquitous language can be installed onto an Ubuntu server and its what we’ll be teaching in this tutorial today.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Screen?

Screen is a terminal program in Linux which allows us to use a virtual (VT100 terminal) as full-screen window manager which multiplexes an open physical terminal between multiple processes, which are typically, interactive shells. It allows us to access multiple terminal sessions within a single terminal or a remote terminal session. It is most useful when addressing multiple Linux shell commands on the command line, as well as separating commands from the shell that started the commands.

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