Configuring Liquid Web’s WHMCS Plugin

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the previous article we covered the basics of WHMCS, the benefits of using our WHMCS plugin, and how to enable the plugin and widgets we provide in our plugin. This article will cover getting your WHMCS VPS server and the plugin connected to the Storm API.

We’ll cover how to configure the WHMCS plugin to authenticate with Liquid Web’s API, as well as how to obtain access to our API, if you’re not yet our customer. In the next article we’ll cover the plugin’s “Product Setup Wizard”, which makes it easy to create new products based on our Cloud VPS, Cloud Dedicated VPS, and Private Cloud products.

Connect the plugin to Storm API

To make the initial connection to the Storm API you will first need to open the Product Setup Wizard page. It's going to seem like we're setting up a product, but we're just going to start one to make the connection. Once the connection is made you can continue onto the next article and learn about product setups!

  1. Click on the ‘Addons’ tab at the top of the page. Then select the ‘Liquid Web Cloud Servers’ option.Addons tab
  2. From the sidebar on the left, click ‘Product Setup Wizard’.
    Product Setup Wizard
  3. Once loaded, we will make our connection by starting to set up our first product.
  4. Adjust the checkboxes to your liking, for this example we will only select: ‘Liquid Web SSD VPS & Cloud Dedicated’.Select Liquid Web SSD VPS & Cloud Dedicated
    1. Click Next.
      Since this is the first product setup you will be redirected to the Account Authentication page.
  5. Here you will be prompted for your Liquid Web API authentication credentials; you may either enter Liquid Web API credentials or your Liquid Web Manage credentials, and the wizard will create a new API user.
    You can use the first option if you created an API user for this WHMCS instance. The second option is a great idea though too since every integration/tool should use a unique set of API credentials.
    1. For using a current API user:
      Api User login

      1. Click the ‘I have Liquid Web API credentials’ heading.
      2. Enter your Liquid Web Storm API user credentials.
      3. Click ‘Continue’.
    2. For creating a new API user:
      Manage Login

      1. Click the ‘Create a NEW Liquid Web API username and password for me’ heading.
      2. Enter your Liquid Web Manage credentials.

With that completed you have now authorized the plugin to access your Liquid Web account. Your WHMCS will be able to leverage the Storm APIs to automatically provision your orders as they come in. With this setup you can now begin to create and setup products to offer your new clients.

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About the Author: Dan Pock

Dan Pock does technical support at Liquid Web with a background in System Administration, Public Relations, and Customer Service. His favorite things include his cats, Oscar Boots, and Dash Nougat; experimenting with PHP; and making up recipes (or at least attempting to). You can find his coding hijinks on GitHub, where he shares most of his projects and open source work.

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