Creating a Backup for a Site in cPanel

Posted on by J. Mays
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Individual accounts within cPanel can create backups for their site via the cPanel interface. The backup that is created via this method will backup the user’s home directory, any sql databases owned by the user, and any cPanel configuration settings for that user.

Most users access their domain’s cPanel by going to or (be sure to substitute your domain name for in the examples provided here).

For further information about the various backup solutions provided by Liquid Web, please check out this: Backups Demystified

Taking a cPanel backup:

– Log into cPanel for your account.
– Go to the Files section and click on ‘Backup‘.

cPanel Backup

– Click on ‘Download a Full Website Backup’ or select a previous backup from the menu and click download.

Download Backup

– Set the ‘Backup Destination’ as Home Directory and click Generate Backup.

Generate a backup

– Once this finishes running you can download the newly created backup via FTP or SFTP. It will be named youraccountname.tar.gz.

If you do create a backup using this method, please remove the backup after you have downloaded it to a local machine. Backups can be quite large and will start taking up a lot of your disk space if they are not removed after they are generated and downloaded.

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About the Author: J. Mays

As a previous contributor, JMays shares his insight with our Knowledge Base center. In our Knowledge Base, you'll be able to find how-to articles on Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and much more!

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