How to Configure awscli for Use with Storm Object Storage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Storm Object Storage delivers a durable, secure, highly available solution for storage needs of virtually any size. With object storage access occurs via API calls to the object storage cluster, which replaces the need to rely on additional servers for dedicated storage.

Here we use the client awscli to interact with Storm Object Storage. If you don’t have awscli installed then you can follow these instructions: How to Install an Object Storage Command Line Interface (awscli)

Storm Object Storage 101: Command Line
Preflight Check
  • These instructions are intended specifically for configuring awscli for use with Storm Object Storage.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 7 server with awscli installed.

Step 1: Get Your Access Key and Secret Key

Login to and view the details of the Object Store to which you’d like to connect:

How to Configure awscli for Use with Storm Object Storage

Note the Access Key and the Secret Key.

Step 2: Configure awscli

Use the following command to begin the configuration:

aws configure

You will be prompted with the following:

AWS Access Key ID [None]:

Enter your Access Key, which in my cases is: PT5E42JDUFAVUZATZEK7

Then you’ll be prompted for:

AWS Secret Access Key [None]:

Enter your Secret Key, which will be something like: YYaywzUgVLcd/m5k3JpKhJnXwRfE/LMujszKMV2m

Note: The above key pair will NOT work. It is just an example.

You will then be prompted twice more for:

Default region name [None]:


Default output format [None]:

You do not have to add any information to the last two prompts. Simply hit Enter at each prompt.

The information you entered above will end up in the following configuration file:



Newer versions of communication have a default signature version setting of “s3v4” which is incompatible with Storm Object Storage. Use the following command to update the default signature version to the supported “s3” setting:aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3

Now you’re ready to use Storm Object Storage. Continue to our KB on How to Use Basic awscli Commands with Storm Object Storage!

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About the Author: David Singer

I am a g33k, Linux blogger, developer, student, and former Tech Writer for My passion for all things tech drives my hunt for all the coolz. I often need a vacation after I get back from vacation....

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