How To Install mlocate (locate and updatedb) on Fedora 23

Posted on by dpepper
Category: Tutorials | Tags: Fedora 23, mlocate
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The locate command is an invaluable tool when you’re trying to track down a particular file but know only the file name. Locate reads one or more databases prepared by the related updatedb and writes file names matching at least one of the patterns to standard output, one per line.

Pre-Flight Check

Step #1: Install mlocate

We’ll first update our packages:

dnf -y update

Then we’ll install mlocate and any required packages:

dnf -y install mlocate

Step #2: Updating mlocate

Upon installation, mlocate installs a systemd timer to regularly update the search database. However, you can manually trigger an update of the search databases with:


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