How To List and Attach to Docker Containers

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Preflight Check
  • As of June 2014 Docker has officially released v1.0.0.
  • These instructions are intended for listing and attaching to Docker containers.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 6.6 server (or CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Fedora 20, Fedora 21), and I’ll be logged in as root.
  • I have one Docker container running.

List Containers

First, we’ll list which containers we have running:

docker ps

Your result should look similar to this:

9c09acd48a25 fedora:20 /bin/bash 55 minutes ago Up 53 minutes furious_heisenberg

To list all local containers use -a option:

docker ps -a

It is some times handy to view the latest created container, including non-running containers. Simply use the -l option:

docker ps -l

Attach to a Specific Container

To attach to a specific container you must have the Container ID. In this case, we’ll attach to the container with the ID 9c09acd48a25 :

docker attach 9c09acd48a25

Continue through this series of tutorials to configuring your container, and committing the changes to create a Docker image.

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About the Author: J. Mays

As a previous contributor, JMays shares his insight with our Knowledge Base center. In our Knowledge Base, you'll be able to find how-to articles on Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and much more!

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