How To Set up Email Forwarding in cPanel

Posted on by dpepper
Reading Time: 3 minutes

  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.image01
  2. Now let’s setup an email forwarder.image02
  3. Click the Forwarders icon.image03
  4. An email forwarder allows you to send a copy of all email from one address to another. This is handy when you have multiple addresses, but only want to have to check one of them.image04
  5. Click the “Add Forwarder” button.image05
  6. Enter the email address you want to forward…image06
  7. Then enter the address you want the message forwarded to.image07
  8. Click “Add Forwarder”.image08
  9. That’s it! The email forwarder has been setup, and will start working immediately.image09


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