Interworx vs. cPanel: Part 1

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this next series of articles, we will be doing a side by side comparison of the main features of both InterWorx/SiteWorx vs. cPanel/WHM. We offer this information to assist our clients in choosing the right product to fit their needs. Let’s dive right in…

When logging into the InterWorx server panel, you must use https or you will see a SSL mismatch warning.

Home Screens


InterWorx provides a well defined and nicely laid out overview of the server upon logging in. On the left, you will see the menu, which allows you to dive deeper into each section which we will outline below.


As you can see below, InterWorx gives you a solid overview of three different areas that define what is happening right now on the server. This quick look allows us the ability to get a summary of any issues we may be facing so we can address them right away.

IW servicestatus

The “Server At A Glance” feature on the right-side graphs provide a quick view of the CPU, RAM Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage for the server. 
As you can see below, this focus allows the server admin the ability to quickly assess the resource usage or overall load on the server and where/why it may be happening.

In the System Status section below, we see the main current server configurations, settings, and various OS/system layout settings, including:

  • Mount Points
  • Partition
  • % Used (Space)
  • Free Space


If you are a cPanel user, you will most likely already be familiar with the WHM main screen. This screen shows a breakdown of all of the available server options that are arranged into an icon-based format defined by its function.


On the left-hand side, you will see a menu that mirrors the main menu and has the same breakdown of functions as the main menu above.

The menu also includes the search feature at the very top of the menu. (there are more options available further down in the menu)

NodeWorx Menu


In the NodeWorx section, we can see the following sections:

  • User Accounts: This area manages user accounts and their associated functionality and options
  • Languages: Defines the available languages used in the SiteWorx panel
  • Themes: Defines the theme used in the SiteWorx panel
  • API Key: The API key is used to integrate InterWorx with a 3rd party billing program.
  • Plugins: Defines available plugins like Softaculous, ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF), Let’s Encrypt and LiteSpeed Web Server
  • Authentication: This section allows for the generation of a unique user key for use with a two-factor authentication platform such as Google Authenticator.
  • Subscriptions: This section handles NodeWorx Account Monitors, SiteWorx Account Monitors, and Reseller Account Monitors. These monitors include High Server Load, Completely Full Partitions, SSL Certificate Expired, and SiteWorx Storage Limits to name a few.


WHM uses different sections to identify the features listed above in NodeWorx:

whm functions

SiteWorx Menu

  • Accounts: Manage user accounts – defines the domain, user password, themes, IP’s, and other unique account info.
  • Shell Users: Defines system and users shell access history, password access, and SSH status.
  • Packages: This function defines the packages available for each account.
  • Backup/Restore: This function defines what backups are accessible, and the available restore options.
  • Import: This function allows a compressed account from a different management panel to be imported as a new account
  • Softaculous: This feature manages the Softaculous options available to each SiteWorx account.


Again, WHM uses different sections to identify the features listed in SiteWorx. Note: The import function is located within the backup section in WHM.

whm functions2

Resellers Menu

  • Accounts: In this section, reseller accounts are set up and managed
  • Packages: Here, we can assign custom packages specifically created  for resellers
  • Bandwidth History: This feature provides a way to track Start Date, End Date, as well as FTP, and HTTP bandwidth.

WHM Reseller Menu

WHM reseller menu
  • Change ownership of single/multiple accounts: Make ownership changes to an existing account.
  • Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges: Modify reseller privileges and nameserver access
  • Email All Resellers: Notify all resellers
  • Manage Reseller’s IP Delegation: Allows modification of assigned IP’s.
  • Manage Reseller’s Shared IP: Allows a specific shared IP address to be assigned.
  • Reseller Center: This interface adds or removes reseller status for existing accounts, and allows you to access WHM’s other reseller-related interfaces.
  • Reset Resellers: Resets package permissions or apply Access Control Lists (ACLs) to resellers.
  • Show Reseller Accounts: Lists the server’s reseller accounts
  • View Reseller Usage and Manage Account Status: View your resellers’ disk space and bandwidth usage.


This concludes the first part of our series on InterWorx vs. cPanel. Next, we will be examining the Mail Server section in InterWorx and WHM. We will then move into the SiteWorx vs. cPanel section to compare the behaviors there. As you can see, many of the same functionalities in InterWorx exist within WHM, although in different locations. 

Note: Trying to run down all of the disparate locations of the functionalities within WHM compared to InterWorx would have taken about 5 - 10 more pages and would have added nothing to the overall info we needed to convey. Read Part Two of our series. 

Join Us!!!

Still have questions about these new panel management options? Would you like more information about how the upcoming changes will affect your server or monthly cost?

Give us a call today at 800.580.4985, or open a chat or ticket with us to speak with one of our knowledgeable Solutions advisors today!

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About the Author: David Singer

I am a g33k, Linux blogger, developer, student, and former Tech Writer for My passion for all things tech drives my hunt for all the coolz. I often need a vacation after I get back from vacation....

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