Most Common Support Requests

Posted on by dpepper | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

As you might expect, most support requests on managed cPanel servers fall into a few basic categories. What you might be surprised to discover is that many common problems can be resolved by following a few simple steps.

None of the common cPanel support requests listed here are server-critical issues that require an experienced system administrator to troubleshoot and resolve, and we recognize that many of our customers are curious about their servers and actively engaged in learning more about cPanel server administration.

To that end, we’ve gathered together some of our Most Common Support Requests, and we’re sharing them with you here -- along with their solutions.

Should you find yourself experiencing one of these common issues, you’ll know exactly what to expect when contacting our Heroic Support® team. And while you certainly are welcome to try to resolve the issue yourself, remember that we are here to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

These articles should hold the answers to a number of common questions and, if you are so inclined, provide you with the tools and resources to resolve some non-critical issues on your own. And should you ever find yourself in need of assistance with any issue, please do not hesitate to contact Heroic Support®.

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