Tag: Account Management

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As we discussed in our article Creating a cPanel User Account, WHM is a utility for server-level task management. However, to manage individual domains, you need access to cPanel. Within cPanel, you can create email addresses, install services, access your databases and delete accounts.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Changing the password of a cPanel account from WHM is a simple process and only takes a few moments. When a user forgets their cPanel password they will be unable to access their account. This article will cover the reset process for only the main cPanel passwords. Any other cPanel related credentials (eMail, FTP, etc) will still have the same passwords and access.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

For security, Liquid Web can only provide account information to the account owner and their authorized representatives. Whenever you need to give a third party access to your account, be it your developer, administrator, or billing or IT department, you should know that you don’t have to share your Manage credentials. You can easily add authorized users to your account — and configure specific roles for them — directly from within your Manage interface.

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How to Set up a Support Passphrase in Manage

Posted on by dpepper | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Liquid Web requires anyone contacting our support team to authenticate their account in order to receive any nonpublic information about a website, or to receive any information about a server or account.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Manage is Liquid Web's Account and Cloud Management Portal. From Manage, it is possible to control your servers and services, whether your deployment is a single Storm® VPS (Virtual Private Server), or a combination of several Liquid Web Dedicated servers or other Clustered servers and services. Manage will help you administer your private network, VPN (Virtual Private Network), CDN (Content Delivery Network), firewalls, upgrades, and much more!

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before you can host a website on a domain, that domain has to be registered with the proper authorities. Domain registration through Liquid Web is a one-click process in our manage interface, but it may not be immediately obvious just where to do so. Here’s how:

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Now that you have an image of a storm server, you can create new servers from that image. Here’s how to do just that:

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

We have written previously about regularly backing up Storm Servers, but that only covers automated image backups. With the Storm platform, it is possible to take image snapshots of your server whenever you wish.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

While Liquid Web Linux servers always have either APF or CSF firewalls installed, Cloud servers can also have an external firewall put in front of them, at no additional charge. A Cloud Firewall provides an extra layer of protection on an already secure server. Here's how to set one up:

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

So you have come to the realization that you need an SSL Certificate. But there are different types. Which one do you really need?

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