Tag: Backups

Reading Time: 7 minutes

By default, Plesk typically stores backups on the server. This can, however, present a risk if the hard drive or RAID fails on the server. If this ever occurs, you can possibly lose both data and your backups. To avoid this situation, Liquid Web recommends storing additional backups in a remote storage location.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In this tutorial, we will look at several methods that are used to compromise a website. In today's world, websites use multiple procedures that represent the core functions of a modern business. Whether you have an eCommerce site or a business card site, a website is essential for driving business growth. We can safely state that a website is a unique image of your respective business. 

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Reading Time: 9 minutes
High Availability

High availability is the description of a system designed to be fault-tolerant, highly dependable, operates continuously without intervention, or having a single point of failure. These systems are highly sought after to increase the availability and uptime required to keep an infrastructure running without issue. The following characteristics define a High Availability system.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes


What happens when a site is compromised? How quickly can you respond when you recognize the signs that something is amiss? In today’s article, we will explore some of the more common indicators of a compromised website, how you can spot it, and how to act on it in a timely manner. 

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Reading Time: 17 minutes

In this article, we will denote the security best practices for 2020 and beyond. Because security is such a challenging subject for many, it often goes unheeded, and as such, many are caught unaware when an issue arises. By following these best practices, you can significantly lower your risk of being compromised by a malicious actor.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

While automated backups are important, sometimes you just want to take a backup of the MySQL database in Linux (MySQL dump) before making a change to your site. When modifying files in Linux, you can simply copy a file to another name to make a new copy. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create MySQL database backups and also how to restore a backup from either command line or cPanel.

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How To Enable Server Backups in WHM/cPanel

Posted on by Alison Gray | Updated:
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The most important thing you can do to protect your server against data loss is to take regular backups. Properly configured backups are a critical aspect of the maintenance of any website and can mean the difference between a quick recovery and rebuilding a site from scratch. If a critical file were to be deleted accidentally, a database became irreparably corrupted, or your site was infected with malware, would you be able to restore your data and get your site back up within a few minutes? 

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How To Secure Your WordPress Site

Posted on by Alex Gorzen | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems on the Internet. Due to its popularity, it is also the target of many hackers.  We’re here to show you our top 5 recommendations on how to secure your WordPress site based on issues we’ve come across.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Our last article on Ubuntu security suggestions touched on the importance of passwords, user roles, console security, and firewalls. We continue with our last article and while the recommendations below are not unique to Ubuntu specifically (nearly all discussed are considered best practice for any Linux VPS server or dedicated server) but they should be an important consideration in securing your server.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

This guide walks you through some common tasks surrounding a Postgres server. In this tutorial, we’ll cover installing Postgres, creating new databases and users, backing up databases, and more! Let’s dig in!

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