Tag: CentOS

Reading Time: 7 minutes
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The SQLAlchemy Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper is an extensive set of utilities for working with Python and databases. This toolkit provides a package full of popular persistence patterns, designed for economical and robust database accessibility. SQLAlchemy allows a developer to use simple SQL statements (unlike other Object Relational Mapping tools) which provide a helpful method to connect database tables with user-defined Python classes. The SQLAlchemy Object Relational Mapping tool is primarily centered on using the SQL Expression language.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to get started with TensorFlow on CentOS. We will be covering two methods. First, we will take a look at installing TensorFlow in a Python virtual environment via the Python package manager pip. After that, we will walk through installing TensorFlow via the Anaconda package manager. Finally, we will cover building a TensorFlow pip package from source.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this tutorial, we are going to cover how to set up a Python virtual environment on CentOS. A Python virtual environment makes it possible to install Python packages into a discreet Python ecosystem that is entirely separate from your system’s default Python framework. This means that you do not have to worry about overwriting the installation of any current packages that might be defaulted to the existing version of Python on your system.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Chef?

Chef is a popular, open-source, IaC (Infrastructure as Code) management tool. It eases administration, configuration, and deployment of server resources across a network from a central location. 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

The CentOS 7 Linux distribution includes Python 2 by default. However, Python 2 is going to reach EOL on January 1, 2020. While some legacy applications might require access to Python 2 for various reasons, it’s vitally important to kick start new projects in Python 3.

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Reading Time: 20 minutes

What is Lynis?

Lynis is a well known, seasoned security tool for Linux based systems (including macOS and/or other Unix-based operating systems. It performs an extensive health scan of your systems to support system hardening and compliance testing. The project is open-source software with the GPL license and available since 2007.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is OpenVPN?

The OpenVPN software bundle is a set of open-source, virtual private network (VPN) applications used to create a direct, secure site-to-site connection that provides remote access between two locations. 

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Reading Time: 10 minutes

What is GPG?

GnuPG (or Gnu Privacy Guard) is an adaptation of an earlier encryption standard known as PGP (or Pretty Good Privacy). GPG uses the method of "public" and "private" keys for the encryption and signing of messages or data.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) is a compact assessment and evaluation tool that is used to collect a wide array of server metrics and examines current and prior operational data. It is designed to be easily customizable utilizing modern APIs and other resources used to extend its functionality. Redhat has taken many of the best features of DStat and coupled them with additional capabilities that extended its usefulness, and have created their own updated version called Performance Co-Pilot.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What Is Fail2Ban?

Fail2ban is an open-source software that actively scans the servers log files in real-time for any brute force login attempts, and if found, summarily blocks the attack using the servers firewall software (firewalld or iptables). Fail2Ban runs as a background process and continuously scans the log files for unusual login patterns and security breach attempts.

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