Tag: CentOS

Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is cPanel? 

cPanel is a server control panel which allows users the ability to access and automate our Cloud Dedicated, VPS, and  Dedicated server tasks and, provides the tools needed to manage the overall server, their applications, and websites.  CPanel_logoSome features include the capability to modify php versions, creating individual cPanel accounts, adding FTP users, installing SSL’s, configuring security settings, and installing packages to name a few. cPanel and WHM have a vast range of customizations and configurations that can be completed to further personalize your platform specifically for your needs.  It also includes 24/7 support from cPanel as well.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Let the Battle Begin!

Today we will be reviewing the major differences between CentOS and Ubuntu in a web hosting environment. Although this is not a fully comprehensive analysis of every single aspect of the numerous in-depth features of each operating system, it should provide a solid overview which will allow you to choose which system is best suited for your needs. Without further ado, let’s jump right in…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

While managing your server, you’ll sometimes need to check on which software (or packages) you have installed on your system. You’ll need to know package names, version numbers, dates of installation, etc. In this Liquid Web tutorial, we’re going to be discussing how to inspect packages installed on your CentOS system. There are several ways to accomplish this, and we’ll discuss a few of them. Let’s dig in! To use these commands, you’ll need to log in to your server via SSH. For more information, see Logging into Your Server via Secure Shell (SSH).

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An Intro to React JS

Posted on by Jonai Alvarez | Updated:
Reading Time: 8 minutes

In our modern world of smartphones and applications, it is more important than ever to have a fast, responsive website that impresses your visitors. Created by the development team at Facebook, ReactJS is a JavaScript ‘framework’ or method of building web pages and apps that can ‘react’ to user interaction and external changes. ReactJS does this via components that can refresh themselves and their contents without a page reload. Better still, these components are modular. This concept means they can be coded quickly (called ‘hacking’ in the ReactJS community) and reused easily between projects.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

With the shortage of available address space in IPv4, IPs are becoming increasingly difficult to come by, and in some cases, increasingly expensive. However, in most instances, this is not a drawback. Servers are perfectly capable of hosting multiple websites on one IP address, as they have for years.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In our last tutorial, we showed you how to install Apache’s mod_fcgid and provided Linux scripts to assist in transitioning from mod_php. In this next section, we’ll be discussing how to configure a baseline setting for PHP optimization.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

When it comes to PHP execution, mod_fcgid (also called FCGI) is one of the heavyweight contenders. There are a few rival handlers, like PHP-FPM or mod_lsapi, which come close to matching its execution speed, but they generally leave something to be desired when it comes to fine-tuning and resource consumption. FCGI is built for speed and includes a myriad of Apache directives that can be leveraged for resource regulation.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

You may find the “can’t resolve hostname” or “temporary failure in name resolution” error when using retrieval command like wget, cURL, ping or nslookup. There are many reasons why these commands can cause an error, including file corruption.  For the sake of brevity, we look towards commonalities between these commands to solve the issue.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Puppet?

lookPuppet is an intuitive, task-controlling software which provides a straightforward method to manage Linux and Windows server functions from a central master server. It can perform administrative work across a wide array of systems that are primarily defined by a “manifest” file, for the group or type of server(s) being controlled.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

When choosing a server operating system, there are a number of factors and choices that must be decided. An often talked about and referenced OS, Ubuntu, is a popular choice and offers great functionality with a vibrant and helpful community. However, if you’re unfamiliar with Ubuntu and have not worked with either the server or desktop versions, you may encounter differences in common tasks and functionality from previous operating systems you’ve worked with. Here are the top four lessons I’ve learned while running Ubuntu on a server.

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