Tag: Common Questions

These are the questions asked most often by our clients. They deal with everyday thoughts, ideas, issues, and concerns.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

This tutorial describes the process of setting up SSH Keys for use when logging in to a remote server via SSH.

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How To Enable Server Backups in WHM/cPanel

Posted on by Alison Gray | Updated:
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The most important thing you can do to protect your server against data loss is to take regular backups. Properly configured backups are a critical aspect of the maintenance of any website and can mean the difference between a quick recovery and rebuilding a site from scratch. If a critical file were to be deleted accidentally, a database became irreparably corrupted, or your site was infected with malware, would you be able to restore your data and get your site back up within a few minutes? 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Apache Main Configuration Files

On a CentOS server, the package manager used to install the Apache web server (such as rpm, yum, or dnf) will typically default to placing the main Apache configuration file in of one of the following locations on the server:

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Whether you’re new to hosting websites or a seasoned developer, you’ve more than likely heard of a LAMP stack. The LAMP stack is the base set of applications that most websites running on a Linux server are served from and is commonly referred to as “Lamp”. Rather than a single program that interacts with the website being served, LAMP is actually a number of independent programs that operate in tandem: Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP. Throughout this article, we’ll walk through installing the LAMP stack on your CentOS 7 server so you can run a website from any Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server. Although we’re focusing on installing LAMP on a CentOS 7 server, the steps that we’ll cover are very similar across multiple Linux distributions.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

After spinning up a new Ubuntu VPS server you may find yourself looking for a guide of what to do next.  Many times the default setting do not provide the top security that your server should have. Throughout this article, we provide you security tips and pose questions to help determine the best kind of setup for your environment.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

A firewall is a program installed on your computer or a piece of hardware that uses a rule set to block or allow access to a computer, server or network. It separates your internal network from the external network (the Internet).

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Thank you for choosing Managed WordPress at Liquid Web! We hope this guide will help you get started in making the most of your experience with the Managed WordPress Portal. There are some great features in the portal, and we’ve worked hard to make sure site maintenance is a cinch.

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Liquid Web Sales and Tax FAQ

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Someone doing taxes

Why does Liquid Web charge sales tax?

Certain state and local laws require Liquid Web to collect sales taxes on applicable products and services. In February of 2017,  Liquid Web began collecting sales tax on its products/services in certain states in order to comply with these laws.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In order to simplify your website management and to receive speedy DNS support, including restoration of website service during DDoS attacks, we recommend you move your website DNS name server records to Liquid Web. You will still have full control to add and modify your DNS records at any time.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

How To Request Assisted Website Migrations from Liquid Web

The Migration team at Liquid Web is dedicated to providing you with an efficient and as uneventful a migration as possible. Whether you are migrating from a current Liquid Web server (internal migration) or from another host (external migration) into Liquid Web, it is important that we work together to ensure an effective transfer of information.

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