Tag: Plesk

Check out our Plesk related articles as we touch on the many options of this control panel including how to renew an SSL certificate.

Reading Time: 17 minutes

As we explored in our previous article of our MySQL Performance Series: MySQL vs. MariaDB there are very few downsides to using MariaDB over standard MySQL. Our high-availability MariaDB's have proven itself to be a worthy successor with easily mitigated drawbacks.  As the last article in our series we will focus on upgrading to various MySQL and MariaDB version on the following servers:

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Google just announced that starting July 2018 Chrome, their very popular web browser, will start alerting for all websites which are not using Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL encryption. This is huge. The ramifications of such an alert could be quite impactful to traffic, to websites, and especially for the average user. So, what does that mean for you? More importantly, what can you do about it? No worries! Liquid Web has you covered.

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Editing MX Records

Posted on by C. Smith
Category: Tutorials | Tags: Plesk
Reading Time: 4 minutes

How to Edit MX Records in DNS

Perhaps you are moving from using your web server for email to a new service that offers advanced features such as Liquid Web’s Premium Business Email Hosting, or maybe you want your email address to better reflect the business you conduct with your inbox. Either way, when changing mail servers, you will find yourself editing MX records. Each time you send a message, these MX records help an email server figure out how to get your message where it needs to go. Once the message is ready to leave the server, it looks up the DNS record for the domain where your intended receiver checks their mail. By the end of this article, you will be able to edit your domain’s MX records in cPanel or Plesk.

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Use Disk Quotas in Dedicated Linux Servers for Plesk Servers

Posted on by Jason Potter | Updated:
Category: Series | Tags: Linux, Plesk, Storage
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Using Disk Quotas on Plesk Servers

Plesk servers come in a variety of underlying operating systems like: Windows, CentOS and Ubuntu VPS's as well as dedicated servers. These systems address disk quotas in different ways. However, they all use the same tools within the Plesk interface. Plesk servers can assign quotas on an individual domain basis or through the Service Plans & Subscriptions system. We will go over both of these methods below.

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How to Use a Remote Desktop

Posted on by Helpful Humans of Liquid Web | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP provides access to your Windows Server’s operating system from your desktop, workstation machine, mobile device or laptop. The connection to your server will be encrypted and it offers some enhancements that allow you to attach local drives and devices.

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The 10 Step Checklist to a Better Migration

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

10 Tips to a Smooth Migration

Yes, migrations can be complex. But, they can - and often do, go very smoothly. At Liquid Web, we have dedicated migration teams to provide advice and expertise. We are here for you. Working collaboratively with the Liquid Web team will be the most important factor to migrate your data seamlessly.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this article, we discuss the backup and restore of databases in Plesk. In earlier versions of Plesk, it was required to use database management tools to dump your databases. But in Plesk 12.5, it allows you to backup a database (by exporting a database dump as an SQL file) and then restoring them (by importing a database dump as an SQL file) without actually having to leave the control panel! Let’s take a look at how to accomplish this task…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

You can add or edit users, and create and assign roles via Plesk’s user settings page. The method for accessing user settings is slightly different in various Plesk views:

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority from the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). It enables anyone to install a free trusted SSL certificate on their website and benefit from the enhanced security an encrypted connection provides. Unlike a self-signed SSL certificate, which also is free and secure (but not verified), a Let’s Encrypt certificate is recognized as fully verified and will display the padlock icon in the address bar of modern browsers.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

  • This article is specifically intended for generating a Certificate Signing Request and installing a standard SSL certificate on a Windows server running Plesk.
  • We’ll walk through ordering the SSL via Liquid Web’s Manage interface, but you can use the CSR you generate in Plesk to purchase an SSL from the vendor of your choice.
  • If your Windows server is running Plesk 12.5 or higher, you can check out our tutorial on Using Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates with Plesk 12.5.

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