Tag: Root

As one of the most valuable users to any Linux server, we use root throughout our IT tutorials. Check out all the things you can do with the root user!

Reading Time: 7 minutes

What Is Sudo?


credit to: XKCD

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Adding a user and granting that user root privileges is one of the many tasks of a system admin.  Once a user has been added and granted root privileges they’ll be able to login to your Ubuntu VPS and perform vital functions for the upkeep of the system. Afterward, they’ll be able to use sudo before commands to perform elevated tasks.  In this quick tutorial, we’ll show you how to add a new user and grant root permissions.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS provides you the ability to add a user for anyone who plans on accessing your server.  Creating a user is a basic setup but an important and critical one for your server security. In this tutorial, we will create a user and grant administrative access, known as root, to your trusted user.

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Reading Time: 17 minutes

In this article, we will denote the security best practices for 2020 and beyond. Because security is such a challenging subject for many, it often goes unheeded, and as such, many are caught unaware when an issue arises. By following these best practices, you can significantly lower your risk of being compromised by a malicious actor.

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Enable Root Login via SSH In Ubuntu

Posted on by Alison Gray | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By default, SSH on Ubuntu comes configured in a way that disables the root users log in. This was originally enabled as a security precaution which means that you cannot directly log in as the root user over SSH. However, you can usually get around the need for root ssh login by using the sudo command. In some cases, though it’s just more convenient to get directly logged in as root.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

After spinning up a new Ubuntu VPS server you may find yourself looking for a guide of what to do next.  Many times the default setting do not provide the top security that your server should have. Throughout this article, we provide you security tips and pose questions to help determine the best kind of setup for your environment.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

A few configuration changes are needed as part of the basic setup with a new Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server. This article will provide a comprehensive list of those basic configurations and help to improve the security and usability of your server while creating a solid foundation to build on.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

User management includes removing users who no longer need access, removing their username and any associate root privileges are necessary for securing your Ubuntu based Cloud VPS server. Deleting a user’s access to your Linux server is a typical operation which can easily be performed using a few commands.  

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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Users via Command Line 101: Basic User Interaction
I. How to Add a User and Grant Root Privileges on Ubuntu 15.04
II. How to Remove (Delete) a User on Ubuntu 15.04

Pre-Flight Check

  • These instructions are intended specifically for removing a user on Ubuntu 15.04.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Self Managed Ubuntu 15.04 server, and I’ll be logged in as root.

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