Tag: Server

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Servers do a fantastic job of writing down in log files what is happening right that moment. While going back and reading logs later to determine what happened in the past is helpful, it is also useful to watch logs in real time. Linux provides a command line tool that lets us do just that: tail.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

One component of Liquid Web’s Server Secure service is an Apache module called Mod Security (often shortened to just “modsec”). Modsec monitors all incoming HTTP requests for malicious behavior and does not complete requests that meet certain criteria. These criteria are spelled out in what are called “rules” or “rulesets”.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

When becoming a Liquid Web customer, you may be curious about whether you should go with our Cloud VPS, our public cloud offering, or whether you should go with the Traditional Dedicated route. The short answer to that question is: it depends. Cloud VPS and Traditional Dedicated servers both have different advantages.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Running your first webserver can be daunting. Even if you are familiar with running a cPanel account, there is much to learn regarding Web Host Manager (WHM). The first step to successfully running WHM is creating a cPanel account.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

So your business has grown, and you need to increase your number of servers to two or more. Now is the time to decide on a hostname scheme for multiple servers. Picking a hostname scheme that works for your endeavor pays dividends down the road in terms of keeping your setup organized. While the topic may seem trivial, the wrong hostname scheme can make your day to day work needlessly complex.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Linux has a robust permissions system. This is a very good thing, as it enables a clear separation of roles among users, especially between the root user and your average user. Sometimes, though, you might want your average user to have some or all of root's privileges. In Linux, this is accomplished with sudo.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Changing an existing domain name and the associated account on your server is a task that most users don’t think about until it becomes necessary. Thankfully the tools provided by cPanel make this relatively easy.

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Installing Service SSLs in cPanel

Posted on by Patrick Hawkins | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

So you are ready to banish the self-signed SSL certificate error from your control panel. How does one go about doing so? Although there are a number of steps, it is ultimately pretty simple.

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Self-signed SSL Certificate Warnings

Posted on by Patrick Hawkins | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many customers who are purchasing their first server with Liquid Web are surprised to see a foreboding warning in their browser the first time they log on to their control panel:

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Domain Name Service, or DNS, can be one of the most be one of the more complicated concepts in server administration. This article will walk through changing an A record from the Linux command line.
This article assumes that you are running BIND on a linux server, that you already have an understanding of what DNS is, the different types of DNS entries, and how DNS works. Please note: The incorrect editing of your zone file can take your site offline. All editing must be done on the authoritative nameservers for the given domain.

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