Tag: WordPress

Through our expansive tutorials, we take on the beast known as WordPress! Whether you are a beginner blogger who needs help creating a site or an expert web admin needing to perform a search and replace, there is a tutorial for you here!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

There’s no doubt that PHP 7 is a lot faster and more efficient than PHP 5.x versions. The reason it’s provides better performance is because PHP 7.x underwent massive internal changes. With such massive changes something has to be too good to be true, right? No not really, but there is something you should know before updating to PHP 7.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The key to running a successful blog or website is having great content and making it easy for your users to find what they need. Part of providing great blog content usually involves using images and graphics to enhance your articles, posts and pages. Doing so will provide your readers with visual context and can help break up large blocks of text. Using lots of visual elements and images isn’t without its trade-off though.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this Knowledge Base article, we feature a video provided by Chris Lema to introduce the Managed WordPress Visual Comparison feature. If you run a WordPress, you understand the potential headaches you may face when updating your plugins and themes. Do you choose to update on the fly and risk taking down your site; or do you set up a staging, keep it in sync with your live site and use that to test updates?

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Logging Into Managed WordPress Portal

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Note: The instructions in this tutorial are for the Managed WordPress Dashboard client, these instructions do not apply if you have a Liquid Web Managed WordPress Server Optimized Template account.

Managed WordPress Portal has two easy ways to access the Portal:

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Using W3 Total Cache on Cloud Sites

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Cloud Sites has a unique infrastructure setup that requires specific settings for the page cache to provide the best experience for a given site. Please use these settings when you are configuring W3 Total Cache instead of any other settings. These directions will provide an optimized configuration for W3 Total Cache on the Cloud Sites platform. This article assumes you have already installed the W3 Total Cache plugin.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

WP-CLI is a command line tool for interacting with and managing WordPress sites. In our previous article on How to Install WP-CLI we covered the process of installing WP-CLI onto a server. We did this in a way that the tool would be accessible by any user on the server. This prevents the need for your users to install the tool locally.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once you have ordered Cloud Sites control panel it will be added to your Liquid Web account. From this point, you can add websites to the control panel to begin developing and managing them on Cloud Sites.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This article is a follow up to a previous article on the process of backing up a WordPress database with wp-cli. You may want to read that article before this one.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article you will learn how to backup your WordPress database using the wp-cli tool. Knowing how to backup your database is a critical skill to have when running a WordPress site. All your posts, pages, and more live in your database; keeping backups is critical.

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How to Install WP-CLI

Posted on by David Singer
Reading Time: 3 minutes

WP-CLI is a command line tool for interacting with and managing WordPress sites. WP-CLI is very similar in functionality to what Drush provides Drupal. If you are already familiar with using cli tools then this will be quick to pick up on. If not, then it may be a good time to start learning.

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